Label Mix HomePage Label Properties

During your label design you will need to specify properties of the label such as layout, size, paper size, background parameters, printing options and, if the label will use data from your database, select the table to be used as source of the data. Although you can determine a label's properties at any stage of the design, it is highly recommended that you do this at the early stage.
Also make sure you have set the necessary designer unit of measurements before you proceed to setting label properties.

To set the properties of your label, select and click Label Properties
to activate a special page consisting of four tabs, namely:

1. Layout
2. Print
3. Background
4. Database
Label properties menu item
Layout - possibly the most vital set of a label's properties. Here you can set the label width, height, the number of rows and columns to print, the space between them. You can also select from the predefined list of paper type (format), which will automatically assign the paper size (height and width). If there is no marching paper format in the list, select the Custom option and then specify the width and height.
All measurements are displayed using designer unit of measurements you must have set ealier -
millimeters,  centimeters  or  inches.

The layout setup tab allows you to enter the properties for a new layout or edit the properties of an existing layout. Layout defines how the labels are arranged on the page. After you have finished setting the properties, you will have the option of storing the label layout in the Label Stock List, which you can use for similar labels in future.

Without label layout, hardly can you expect a professionally looking label design. So it is highly recommended that you specify these properties immediately after you have created a new label.

label-printing-properties Label paper size sketchlabel-properties-dim-paper-size-sketch2
(A) - Paper width.
(B) - Paper height.
(C) - Single Label width.
(D) - Single Label height.
(E) - Vertical distance between the labels.
(F) - Horizontal distance between the labels.
(G) - Layout Left margin
(H) - Layout Top margin
Parameter Description
Properties Name Name to identify the properties. Recommended to enter the label name
Label Size**
Width Width of the label (this is the width of a single label on the page)
Height Height of the label (this is the height of a single label on the page)
Inner Spacing
Horizontal Horizontal space between the labels
Vertical Vertical space between the labels
Left Paper Margin. Enter the left margin.
Top Paper Margin. Enter the top margin.
Rows Enter the number of rows on a page.
Columns Enter the number of columns on a page.
Paper *
Width Width of paper
Height Height of paper
Format Predefined list of paper types (formats). After selection, paper size (height and width) is automatically assigned and displayed in the box. If there is no marching paper format in the list, select the Custom option (the last on the list) and then specify the size (height and width). An example of using Custom option is when printing on continuous paper.
Portrait/Landscape Paper Orientation. Select paper orientation: Portrait, Landscape.
Label Shape or Type
Rectangle/Cycle Select label type/shape. If label type/shape is circular (for example, CD labels), then the inner ratio option for the circle will be activated, so you can specify the necessary value.
Inner Ratio If label type/shape is circular, you can indicate radius (curve) of the inner circle.
* label size, distribution and other parameters correspond to paper size marching ISO Paper sizes and specifications, most widely used business letter format envelope sizes, North American formats, Japanese formats. If you are used to Avery standards (US Letter sizes), then refer to AveryŽ labels cross reference table for the marching label sizes.

* * The ISO Paper sizes are based on the metric system, while AveryŽ sizes are in inches, so be sure you have set the necessary designer unit of measurements (mm., cm. or inches) before you proceed.
Background properties define a set of features for the surface area of the label, where objects are inserted and manipulated. Image, color, gradient between two colors can serve as the Label background.
You can also set frame(s) around the label.
Label background properties tab Label with frame background
frames, gradient in label background


Parameter Description
Frame 1 distance Distance of the first frame from the label outer edge
Frame 2 distance Distance between the first and second frames
Color Color of the Frame border
Pen Width Thickness of the frame border
Radio Radius (curve) of the frame(s). Radio enables you to have frame(s) with or without round corners.
Kind No frame, Single (one line) or double (two lines) frame options.
Image If necessary, click to load image to be used for the label background
Other parameters
Print Background Check (tick, mark, select) if you want to print the label along with the background color or image.
Gradient From Start color of gradient background (effective if background style is not None)
Gradient To End color of gradient background (effective if background style is not None)
Background Style Background style. Select one of the eight options: None, Image, Horizontal gradient, Vertical gradient, Circular gradient, Half Circular 1, Half Circular 2, Circular quarter.

Circular gradient, Half Circular 1, Half Circular 2 and Circular quarter - effective only if label type/shape is circular (for example, CD labels) in the Layout parameters.

Background style : None
Background style : None
Background style : image
Background style : image
Background style : Horizontal gradient
Background style : Horizontal gradient

Background style : Vertical gradient
Background style : Vertical gradient
Background style : Circular gradient
Background style : Circular gradient
Background style : Half Circular 1
Background style : Half Circular 1

Background style : Half Circular 2
Background style : Half Circular 2
Background style : Circular quarter
Background style : Circular quarter
great cd covers with background style properties
practical example

Most label objects can be linked to a database, so that the content of the object is pulled from a database table field. Database is a collection of tables. So before linking your label to database, make sure you have the necessary table(s) with fields containing the information you want to use for your label. If the label will use data from your database, then check Database box and select the necessary Table.

!! Important:
When we link a label to the database/table or counter, objects associated with the label
MAY pull data from the fields (columns) of the table. In the Object Properties Inspector, check (mark, tick) the Database and then select the necessary field (column) from the FieldName drow-down list.
If the object will use information from counter, then select the counter's name as the field.
labe-data-from-database label object database fieldname

Some of the advantages of using database are:
1. You enter information once in your database and save it.
2. Even after you have created your label, rendered it (printed or exported as file) or even deleted it, the source of the data still remains in the database and can be used for other labels now or in future.
3. You can have several labels sharing a common data from your database.
4. Your database can serve as storage facility for other information, e.g. contacts or products
5. You can easily modify information in your database once and it will be automatically reflected on all labels using data from the database table.
Label Mix is equipped with special tools you can use to manage your database - create, edit tables, import data from external sources into the tables etc.

In Print tab we define print job options for the label. Print job parameters should be defined after you have completed all label design job or when you are about to preview, print out or save your label to file(s).
Rendering and Printing Labels
Parameter Description
Number of Labels number of labels to print. If the label is linked to a database table, then this number will be the number of rows in the table. Each row represents a label.
Repeat number of times to print each label
First Column Column of the first label to be printed on the first page. 
First Row Row of the first label to be printed on the first page. The intersection of First Row and First Column determines the position of the first label to be printed on the first page. This parameter can also be set in the Layout properties by simply selecting the label.
Print From Start of the range of records (labels) to be printed.
Only effective if the label extracts its data database table, since each record or row will represent a label
To End of the range of records (labels) to be printed.
Only effective if the label extracts its data database table, since each record or row will represent a label.
Show Margins Check (tick, mark, select) to show printer margins specified in the Layout properties
Counter Name Name to identify the counter
Increment Increment value (step)
From Initial value of the counter
To Final value of the counter
Number Before Number (if any) to append before each sequence
Number After Number (if any) to append after each sequence
Format Format of the result. You can format the final result with '#' or '0'
see what is format

Example1 of using counter:
Counter Name - Counter№1;
Increment - 2;
From - 1;
To - 10;
Number Before - 4;
Number After - 2;
Format - 00.

The example1 above will generate the following labels:
Example of using counters in Label Design and Printing

Example2 of using counter and database:
Counter Name - CounterN1;
Increment - 1;
From - 1;
To - 1000;

Using Counter on Labels Example of using counter and database

Example2 above will generate the following labels:
Preview result of using counter for labels